星期二, 6月 16, 2009


No guts, no glory. Go for it !(不需勇氣、無關榮譽,做就對啦!)
You're okay in my book. (依我看來你還可以。)
Dinner's on me. You can order anything you like.(晚餐我請客。想吃什麼就點什麼。)
You don't have experience as a waiter, but apply for the job anyway. Give it your best shot.
I have so much to do today and I'm hard pressed to get it all done before noon!
Be sure your sin will find you out.~ from Number 32:23~
bookworm、romance novel、wonderland、Yugoslavia、papaya、chalk、gate、zany、handsome

草花そうか=flower=flowering plant、くじら=whale、月つき=moon、
中うちinside、お願おねがいrequest(n.)、日本語Japanese language、
一年いちねん=one year, some time ago、鳥とり=bird, fowl, poultry、
普通ふつう=generally, ordinarily, usually, train that stops at every station、学生時代がくせいじだい=student days、
風邪ふうじゃ=cold(illness), common cold、
切手きって=stamp(postage), merchandise certificate、
結婚式けっこんしき=marriage ceremony, wedding、
時計とけい=watch, clock、宿題しゅくだい=homework、
君きみ=(fam)you (masc. term for female)、
戸と=door(Japanese style)、映画えいが=movie, film、
実際じっさい=practical, actual condition, status quo、
上うわ(n, pref)=upward, outer, surface, top、
尊敬そんけい(n, vs)=respect, esteem, reverence, honour、
話し声はなしごえ=speaking voice, talking voice、鍵かぎ=key、
約束やくそく=arrangement, promise、去年きょねん=last year、
将来しょうらい=future, prospects、建物たてもの=building、
色いろ=colour, sensuality, lust、服装ふくそう=garments、
六十秒ろくじゅうびょう=60 seconds、千ちthousand, many、


